Man charged with vehicle theft appears in court

PARIS—Michael E. Rodriguez, 31, of Marshall, appeared in the custody of the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) at the Edgar County Courthouse for a preliminary hearing regarding charges …

Trial date set in Route 1 DUI case

  PARIS — Following a second pre-trial conference, a jury trial has been set for Marshall resident Melissa Edwards. Edwards, who currently faces seven charges, including a Class …

Cases appearing in Edgar County Circuit Court

The following people were among those who had cases scheduled for the Nov. 9 criminal and traffic calls in Edgar County Circuit Court: In custody N Angela D.Eslinger, 41, Paris, appeared in …

Poole declared unfit for trial, treatment ordered

Tyler Poole, charged with first-degree murder in the case of Charles K. (CK) Nay’s death, was found unfit to stand trial. During a fitness hearing on Monday, Nov. 13, Matthew Sullivan, the …

Poole trial slowly moves forward

Judge David W. Lewis ordered a fitness evaluation for Tyler Poole on Aug. 4. during what should have been a preliminary hearing into the charge alleging Poole killed CK Nay. Several setbacks in …

Cases appearing in Edgar County Circuit Court

The following people were among those who had cases scheduled for the Oct. 26, Oct. 30 and Nov. 2 criminal and traffic calls in Edgar County Circuit Court: IN CUSTODY Leonard J. Brooks, 50, …

Cases appearing in Edgar County Circuit Court

The following people were among those who had cases scheduled for the Oct. 23 criminal and traffic calls in Edgar County Circuit Court: Guilty pleas Eden Miller, no age provided, Chrisman, …

Cases being heard in Edgar County Circuit Court

The following people were among those who had cases scheduled for the Oct. 16 and Oct. 19 criminal and traffic calls and the Oct. 20 felony pretrial call in Edgar County Circuit Court: In …

Cases appearing in Edgar County Circuit Court

The following people were among those who had cases scheduled for the Oct. 12 criminal and traffic calls in Edgar County Circuit Court: In custody Daniel L. Henson, 24, no address provided, …

Cases appearing in Edgar County Circuit Court

The following people were among those who had cases scheduled for the Oct. 2 and Oct. 5 criminal and traffic calls in Edgar County Circuit Court: In custody Jonah A. Edwards, 20, Paris, was …