252 results total, viewing 81 - 100
Developmental disabilities affect a significant portion of the population, including individuals with intellectual disabilities, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and autism spectrum disorder. As … more
All the tech news these days surrounds the frontier of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Currently, AI is essentially a massively beefed-up model of what happens on the AutoText on our … more
Bamboo, a mythical, magical plant, is starting a 120-year flowering cycle   We have entered the fall season with harvest in full swing, and it is time to prepare our yards for winter and … more
Grandmas have, for centuries, earned a commendable stereotype reputation.  Sometimes you encounter a person who for whatever reason, never knew their grandmother, usually because she had … more
I have been researching the last year or so about what has changed in our county the last 200 years. First of all, the westward movement began in earnest around 1800 as the Revolutionary War was … more
Here is a compilation of stories appearing in the September 1924 issues of the Paris Beacon-News. The September 1923 volume is misplaced so Out of the Past is 99 years instead of a century ago. … more
Living independently is a fundamental aspect of a fulfilling life, but for adults with disabilities, it can be a daunting challenge. Independence is not only about living on one's own, but also … more
Last week social media exploded with posts relating to the Mexican Government hearing on UFOs where two tiny mummies were presented as evidence. The scientific community is split but consensus … more
Gary was a gifted musician who had been raised in church. As his talent matured, Gary was repeatedly invited to extend his influence by singing and playing in local bars and clubs. He wanted the … more
Kentucky has always been characterized by rugged forested, scenic hills. So much so that Western Kentucky University chose the name Hilltoppers for their mascot.  When Daniel Boone earned … more
Just for the fun of it, we bought our first camper in 1965. Our family got aboard with the idea since we were farmers, and didn’t have a lot of livestock, to do a two-week vacation starting the … more
Here is a compilation of stories appearing in the September 1924 issues of the Paris Beacon-News. The September 1923 volume is misplaced so Out of the Past is 99 years instead of a century ago. … more
This month Nancy and I traveled for one day and visited four cemeteries in southern Illinois. The first was Springer Cemetery in remote Hamilton County where my mother’s parents are … more
Steve loved to make his favorite concoction — Chili-N-Fries Surprise. As a bachelor in his late 20s, Steve made Chili-N-Fries as often as he could. Sure, it was a messy clean up but totally … more
We are entering the fall festival season with traditional decorations using sunflowers, pumpkins and ornamental corn. That multicolor corn was traditionally called Indian corn in reference to … more
The rains of August brought not only green lawns, but the appearance of fairy circles or rings. They usually grow in an arc or full circle if old enough. I’ve written before about how … more
I think about all the times my family waited in line and all the people waiting in line with us. The first time my brother and I waited in line was for a showing of “Bambi.” My mom … more
I grew up with parents who were also addicts. In those days, we didn’t call people addicted to nicotine through cigarettes addicts. They were just family members or neighbors. The … more
Throughout his life my friend Fred was a dedicated tightwad. He beamed with pride at all the money he’d saved by being a cheapskate.  Now and then, however, he loosened his purse … more
Here is a compilation of stories appearing in the September 1924 issues of the Paris Beacon-News. The September 1923 volume is misplaced so Out of the Past is 99 years instead of a century … more
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